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Workout plans

None of us were born with six-pack abs or the ability to press 200-pounds on the bench!So, we all need to start somewhere, sometime.And this is the start for you.

Instead of laying out a gazillion options for you to evaluate and get confused, I’m just going to layout what worked for me. It’s the Push Pull Legs routine or PPL.
This is one of the most effective training regimens. It’s been around for a while and has proven results.
Besides, it offers a lot of flexibility based on your time available per week. You can train 3 days, 5 days or 6 days a week.

If you are an absolute beginner, I’d recommend doing the Full Body workout for 2 months and then moving to the Push-Pull-Legs routine.

Remember, always focus on form and breathing. Poor form = injuries. No warm up = injuries. The #1 blocker for progress is injury.
I recommend light aerobics (walking, cycling) and stretching on couple of your off days.
Last but not the least, don’t ignore the core. That’s your abs and lower back.
You can combine add this on shorter routine day or perhaps on an off day, when you are doing light aerobics and/or stretching.
Most important, have fun and believe in yourself. You don’t get what you want in 1 day, but you get it 1 day. Let’s go!

If you can only do 3x days a week, then I’d say go for the full body workout.
If you can do 5-6 days per week, then the PPL workout is great.

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