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Fitness - simple beginner tips

Although some of this may seem common knowledge, going over the basics is essential if you are just starting out and for those who are well into their journey, a refresher course always helps. These are some of the habits that will keep you injury-free and reap the benefits of your fitness routine.

  1. Low and slow. Start slow; don't jump in all guns blazing. build up your routine gradually - in terms of intensity, duration and types of exercise. You know your body and fitness level best. Be mindful of it, design your workout program accordingly, add new exercises and increase intensity as you build strength and keep realistic goals. Experts agree that at least 150 minutes of exercise, or 30-minute workouts five times a week, is a healthy and realistic goal.

  2. Warmup and cooldown are as crucial as the central part of your workout. Gentle aerobic 5-10 minutes of warm-up exercises and deep breathing before your workout (low-intensity walking and some stretching) help blood flow to joints and muscles and prime the body for the physical activity that is to come, and post-work-out low-intensity exercises and stretches for a similar duration help bring the heart rate back down, cool the body and relieve the stress on the muscles.

  3. Refrain from exercising on an empty stomach, but neither should you exercise right after a heavy meal. A good rule of thumb is to have a light snack about an hour before your workout, and carbohydrate-dense food is the best choice as they are the primary energy source for the body. Some options are banana, apple or any other fruit - you could have this with a spoonful of peanut butter or have it in a smoothie, a peanut butter sandwich, low-fat protein bar. A post-workout could be something similar. Again you know your body best, so listen to it and see what foods work for you and what don't. 

  4. Hydrate. Keep a bottle of water handy, and sip in between exercises. Try not to gulp large quantities, either.

  5. Incorporate aerobic exercises as well as strength and flexibility training in your routine. Aerobic or cardiovascular exercises such as walking, running or the elliptical really get the heart pumping and are excellent for overall fitness. Strength training, whether with weights, exercise bands, machines or other equipment, targets muscle groups. Vary your physical activities to keep you motivated and, most importantly, make exercise fun. You don't have to be a gym rat. Cycling, swimming, hiking, squash, and tennis are all good options as are team sports such as basketball, football, and cricket.

  6. Be consistent. Avoid the temptation to do aggressive training one or two days a week and lose heart and interest because you are too tired or sore to show up the rest of the week. Showing up is half the battle won, and then exercise smart.

  7. Proper form. Pay attention to the proper way of performing an exercise instead of focusing on the number of repetitions, heavier weights, or increasing intensity. This is very important to stave off the risk of injury. 

  8. Recovery. Rest and recovery are super important. Taking a day or two off to allow for muscle repair and relieve soreness is imperative for the body to progress and hit its peak shape without worry of injury.

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